New Year's Resoultion

New Year has always been an excuse to do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time. It’s funny how we wait for a new year to record something that we’ve really wanted to be doing, for a long time. I actually don’t know the reason but may be it would be easy to say, “I’ve been doing this and that since 2014/15 or now 16.”

Personally speaking, I too used to make New Year resolutions which in action did not had longer life throughout the year. In fact, it mostly lasted for up to January 5, or 7 at most and then I think I waited for another year, a new one to come. 

But those are “used to” things. I think now I’ve developed a sense in me. A sense that should have come a long time ago as a human being. It’s never early to start doing good things, you know. Why wait Jan 1? What’s so special about it? This time around I’m gonna celebrate New Year whole heartedly and am not making any resolutions cause the things that are important to me and which needs to be done, I’m already on it.
Remembering back, my resolutions used to be waking early in the morning and joining a gym club, nearby my home. I had spent money many times to be the member, renewing it and continuing for up to a week. But later then, energy deceased.
Another area of my New Year resolutions, when I was doing bachelors were mostly in the field of studying. Forget it, it’s more embarrassing than “joining a gym” story. Don’t wanna elaborate.
I’ve seen most people trying to give up a smoke or alcohol, following New Year, while they celebrate eve taking as much as they can saying it’s the last night with their lovelies. But their lovelies will always be their darlings, you know. It’s really difficult to divorce them just making New Year as an excuse. But im not saying that it’s impossible, it’s possible if you have will stronger as the will you use to take a breath and determination of the same power.
But every person isn’t the same. Some adventurous soul might take this as an opportunity, and keep their resolutions, with sheer seriousness. Don’t they? So, I was thinking of things that could be thought of as a resolution to self-improvise or do something slightly nice.
1)      Check out your past resolution: Yes!! Indeed, first think of the resolution that you committed in the past year but is still incomplete. Accomplish the unaccomplished.
2)      Quit an addiction: Its really nice if you can get rid of something that you’ve been slave of. It might be smoke, drugs, alcohol, games, cards, Facebook, anything you feel that have been holding you behind.

3)      Exercise regularly: Believe me, exercising everyday really makes your health or state of mind fresh. The days which I have exercised early morning mostly ends up being very fruitful. In fact, the sense that you have accomplished already something when others are still yawning in bed might make you feel good. Haha….
4)      Financial issues: If you’ve been spending too much of your hard-earned money, then 2016 can probably be the best time to check and cut your outgoing sources. Saving money is one of the characteristic of a person who is millionaire, according to the book, “One Minute Millionaire”. Look for multiple source of income, instead.
5)      Better yourself: This got to be the most important resolution one can make. Though life is a roller coaster, one always need to look up, whether you are in peak or valley part of your life.
I can think of these 5 things. You wanna add others? Go ahead. But make sure to fulfill it, else for inspiration listen to song that says, “What are words, if you don’t mean it, when you say them” :D



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