
I came across blog " http://starsshiningdown.blogspot.com/2011/12/hope.html ". In her blog post she has a theme that hoping is bad for health. She has opinion that hoping lures oneself. Although in her blog she has mentioned not to copy any of her lines, I somehow have dared to copy some lines .... (SORRY for that)...
"Hoping is not a crime, but inflicting pain on yourself is. There is nothing wrong in expecting, but there is nothing right either, in wronging your being for someone or something that will not make you happy." 

But personally, I am really a hopeful person; even if the chances are down to zero, I still expect the result to be on my side. I know if the results aren't favorable, it would be hurting me a bit. But I think the hurting part is because of the result, and not because of hope. 

Well, I think hope will guide you towards perfectionism. I know I don't know anything about writing poems, or singing. But still I try cause I have a hope that someday someone will like my voice, like my writings and it is making my foot move on.

For instance, I just wrote a few lines on how I feel (below). I know the standard is like student of grade 8 but still I have a hope that the like button will be clicked.

When your dream collapse in fraction of seconds
When tear keeps rolling on your face
Hope offers you a warm embrace
To make you feel like living in a long-life race.

I always wanted to be that good, though I couldn’t be
But I’ll always try hard; simply that’s being me, Nepali
Cause I have a hope, which embraces me
It whispers, “you’ll accomplish it and world would see”

Even when arduous efforts are made
And sometimes only a fraction of whole worth is paid
But I’ve a hope which helps me not getting laid in death bed
Or run away in any circumstances.

It’s been rightly said “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.”
No offense. Peace!!!


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